Friday, November 22, 2013

NaNoWriMo - Oh yeah, I was writing something...

I once again prove to be not very disciplined. It is now November 22nd, and I finally got some more writing done in my NaNoWriMo project. About another 3,000 words. I'm either not going to make the goal (again), or I'm going to have one crazy last week of November.

In addition to my creative writing project, it turns out that 'Elephants' parts 2 and 3 will be combined into a single part, since the word count of what would be part 3 is much lower than I originally expected. I do still expect to have that edited, revised and published for December 5th, so keep your eyes peeled.

If I can get this second creative piece ready for January 5th, I'll be a happy writer.

And finally, as far as Round 10 work goes, final edits have been made for multiple sections. We are fast approaching the release of the Core Rulebook, only 6 months behind schedule! Stay tuned for where and how you can get your hands on a copy!

This post is really just a generic update, and also a plug. Make sure you check out the Round 10 website, my book 'Elephants in the Living Room - Part One' on Amazon (be kind and leave a review!), and Round 10 on Facebook.

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