Sunday, June 23, 2013

Round 10 AP Videos?

Hey readers!

I've noticed that my Ouya videos have been getting some love, and it got me thinking; how would you like seeing videos of our RP nights, specifically around those nights we play Round 10? I already record audio of our play sessions, but if it interests people I may start doing video clips as well. Let me know your thoughts!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Game Nite - Ouya Pt. 4

Final bit of the Ouya reaction videos. Enjoy!

Game Nite - Ouya Pt. 3

We continue to enjoy the Ouya, including the wonderful game No Brake Valet. From left to right: Evan, Jessica, me, Steven, Kip. Not Pictured: Sean.

Game Nite - Ouya Pt. 2

We continue our Ouya adventures. Left to right: Evan, Jessica, me, Steven, and Kip. Not pictured: Sean.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Game Nite - Ouya Pt. 1

Watch the Game Nite crew participate in some Ouya shenanigans. Left to right: Evan, Jessica, me, Steven, Kip. There is some vulgar language, as a heads up.

Next three parts will be posted tomorrow, Saturday June 21st, from 10:00 until 11:00 am.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Big Announcement Coming

Hey readers!

I want to make sure I get this out in a video post, but I have a big announcement to make regarding me and my career path. Well, big for me at least. It's quite a drastic change and I hope it's for the better. Anyways, chances are if you know me persomally you are already aware of this.

I'll get a new video post up tonight after I'm done with work, so look forward to it at that point. Around 7:30pm CST (plus or minus about fifteen minutes).

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Round 10 Character Sheet available now!

Check out the Additional Content page on the Round 10 website to view and download the PDF of the Core Character Sheet!

This will likely be one of three different Character Sheets included in the Round 10 Core Rulebook (the other two will reflect some of the modular rule changes that can be made, allowing the players and GM to use the sheets that fit their game).

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Confident Facade

Hey readers. I'm posting this from my iPhone because it's 1:00am and I'm too lazy to open the laptop again.

I had a very short, but very eye-opening conversation with a coworker today. I had a Facebook status in which I commented saying "I need a personality to fit my ego!" And she responded with "No, you need an ego to fit your personality." Me being me, this intrigued me, so when I saw her this morning I asked what she meant by it.

What she said next hit my personality right on the head, and I hadn't known this about myself until just today. She told me that I "didn't have the self-esteem that I should". I responded by saying that I keep my ego in check because it's gotten me into trouble in the past, and she didn't waste any time in saying "I feel that's because you outwardly show a large ego because inwardly you don't have the self-esteem that you should."

"So I put on a show to fool people into thinking I'm more confident than I really am?"


I smiled and thanked her for the assessment, and as I walked away, I realized that she was right. More right than I would've otherwise cared to admit. I come across as egotistical, or self-centered, or overly confident, but it's true. That facade hides a much less confident self. I'm sure anyone who has shared more than a few conversations of decent depth with me understands this. I was just a bit shocked that something so fundamental about myself was not explicitly known until just today.

A sign that I still have a lot of work to do. Again, I'm nothing if not a work in progress.