Thursday, March 20, 2014

5 Word Exercise - 03.20.2014

Five Word Writing Exercise 03.20.2014

Help me out! Comment with your own five-words, and I'll write out a post of some sort for those. See how your words can inspire me, and help to kick-start my creativity!

Friendship, Hoopla, Unexplored, Melancholy, Autumn

Time-Wasting Research: 

  • Hoopla is derived from the French term houp-la!, used as an urgent command to another, oftentimes a child, to move. Houp-la, Pierre!
  • Melancholy is often attributed to a gloomy or vaguely sad demeanor, but it can also mean sober thoughtfulness. It was once used to label the state of having too much black bile, which was once considered a cause for depression.
  • The first result when Google-searching these words is a Goodreads blog page of author and cover-designer Nishi S. Looks like she has a focus on Young Adult Dark Fantasy, but I didn't delve in too deeply. Check it out!

Five Word Exercise - Outline

For this exercise, I'm going to write an outline, a story brainstorm, that uses the above listed five words to varying degrees. If writing to these beats, the story would be incredibly short, yet could easily be the starting point from which a larger piece could form. I doubt I will explore this any further than this blogging exercise.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Writing, Routine & Resolutions

So the resolutions aren't going great. Some I've made great progress on, and others (like blogging at least once a week) I've let slide. There's a lot of things I can blame it on, but ultimately it comes down to my lack of self discipline.

When I started this blog, I talked a lot about writing routines and how important it is to maintain a consistent habit of writing every day, even if its as simple as a journal entry. With Round 10 moving towards print, I've been trading writing time for editing time, formatting time, and layout time. And so I want to get back into the writing, now that R10 is out to the beta readers and is out of my hands until at least May 1st.

And so I present this to you, faithful reader. Help be the fuel for my writing, the inspiration. I pose to you this offer: comment on this post with 5 words. Any 5 words. They can be nonsensical, an incomplete thought. They could be silly or thought provoking. Just comment with them. I will choose those I find most interesting, and write something based off of them. It could be a short story, a poem, or just a character analysis or set of story beats. But I will write it and I will post it! So comment with those 5 words!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Round 10 on GM's Day Sale!

Check out DriveThru RPG this week to get the Round 10 Core Rules for only $13.99, as part of the GM's Day Sale! Simply click the link below to find out more!