Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Beta Readers needed for Round 10 Print Edition!

Hey everybody. I know it's been a while since my last Blog Post (oh, the day when I won't be starting a new post with that line), but trust that I am hard at work with my writing and game design.

So hard at work, in fact, that I am looking for constructive feedback on the Round 10 Print Edition of the Core Rules. I am closing in on the final steps of preparing this document, and so I am opening up the Round 10 website to submissions from gamers who wish to be added to the Beta Reader sign up. Simply click this link to learn more!

Don't worry, there are rewards, and tokens of my gratitude, to those who do sign up. So take a step forward with me, help to make Round 10 into the best game it can be for it's release to print-on-demand!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Media, Exposure, and GOOGLE

Damn Google, please just let me merge my accounts already.

Anyways, I've set up a Author Nicholas Kory specifically for Nicholas Kory the Author. Check it out if you haven't already, give it a like, give it a follow!

Also, I now have an author-specific email account set up. This email will be for distribution of newsletters, setting up mailing lists, and helping to spread the word about my books and the various deals they have. To subscribe to my Author Mailing List, simply send an email to asking to be added to the mailing list. A bit clunky for now, I know, but hopefully soon I'll get this whole 'connect with your readership' stuff figured out.

That's all to report for now. I know, sort of a lame blog post, but I've got about twelve windows open in Chrome right now, so my most immediate goal is resolving each of them. Anyways, check out the Facebook page, get on the mailing list, and have a great week!