Friday, December 27, 2013

Experience Points - 2014 Resolutions

Happy holidays, readers! I hope your holiday week has been great so far, and that you have much to look forward to! As for me, I believe I have narrowed down my list of New Years Resolutions to the point of posting them for the world to see. The goal for my resolutions this year was to have a list that is not abstract, but is concrete, easy to track, and easy to measure how well I am progressing. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or criticisms, please let me know!

Write at least 7000 words a week
Whether it is for Round 10 or for another creative work such as Elephants in the Living Room, I resolve to write a minimum of 7000 words a week. The goal of 1000 words a day may seem low, but in my eyes it is more manageable and less underwhelming. With certain things starting to eat up my attention and time, I must maintain reasonable and realistic goals. I know that I am much more likely to write more than 1000 words in a single sitting, but by saying '7000 words a week', I give myself that leeway of not writing one day and picking up the slack later on.

Release at least Two (2) new Round 10 products
With Zimildran well into development, I have a great head-start on the next product for the Round 10 gaming catalog. What will come next, be it a follow-up to Zimildran, another sourcebook, or something else entirely, is up for grabs, but I am certain that I will be able to bring at least two new products to the board for the Round 10 gaming catalog. This goal, of course, does not include the print version of the Round 10 Core Rulebook.

Make a blog post every week
No secret here. Once a week a new blog post, be it written or video, will show up here on Experience Points.

Play 12 new tabletop games this year
I cannot deny the excited kid in me. Tabletop gaming is as much a part of me as is my Italian or Ukrainian heritage. I want to explore new games, be they RPGs, card games, board games, or party games. A goal of one new game every month seems very reasonable, and also somewhat lofty.

Publish at least one new book
Outside of the Round 10 writing, I'd love to get one more book out into the digital world, other than Elephants. With my writing goals set where they are, it's important to have an end-game as well, so that I'm not just writing to fill up my resolution and gain a false sense of accomplishment.

Finish Elephants
Hopefully an easy, albeit necessary, one that I should be able to knock out of the way early this year.

Do 12 new things with my girlfriend and/or her daughter
This doesn't mean 'do 12 things', but rather 'do 12 new things'. Either new to me, or new to them, a minimum of one a month is hopefully a sure sign that our relationships are moving forward with proper encouragement from my end.

Play at least three (3) games of Axis & Allies with my dad
I bought the game for his birthday some few years ago and we've played it all of once. I am looking forward to taking the time to enjoy the wonderful WWII strategy game with the man who introduced me, albeit in a round-about way, to tabletop gaming.

Learn to make my mother's lasagna
Straight off of my bucket list, this year I want to spend the time with my mother and learn to cook the lasagna that has found its way from my grandmother and to her.

So there we are! Nine basic resolutions that should be easy to track and easy to measure as the year goes on. All of them are spread over a long period of time, and other than the first I avoided the 'once a week' or 'once a day', which could easily flood my time and fill my stress.

Any input? Let me know! And are there any resolutions that you're making for yourself that you'd like to share? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for all of your support this year, readers, and I look forward to another year of blogging for you!

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