Monday, March 25, 2013

Speech Finished


After two delays from the instructor missing class (surprising, right?) and one from a scheduling misstep, my demonstrative speech on how to effectively participate in a tabletop RPG is finished.

I realize now that I went into a bit of a trance during the course of the speech, and in retrospect I don't remember much of what I did or how I did it. I remember getting in front of the class, I remember my introduction, and I remember that I hit the conclusion faster than I expected. In truth, the speech clocked in at a bit over 9 minutes, which is three to four minutes faster than when I timed it at home. A good thing to keep in mind for future speeches.

And so my first of three speeches is out of the way, and already I have to start preparing speech two, which will be delivered in two weeks. Keeping with my tabletop RPG themes, this time I will be delivering a speech on running a game, what to keep in mind, and how to manage a group of players. Now with no visual aids, so we'll see how well that goes.

I'm excited, to say the least. On the one hand I'm glad this speech is done, but I still feel like I have so much to say. It's a good thing I've got two more speeches to go. My desire to talk about tabletop RPGs is overflowing, as anyone who knows me personally can agree. And hopefully these three speeches will be the combined points of interest to push some of these students to give tabletop RPGs a chance. Hopefully.

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