Friday, December 27, 2013

Experience Points - 2014 Resolutions

Happy holidays, readers! I hope your holiday week has been great so far, and that you have much to look forward to! As for me, I believe I have narrowed down my list of New Years Resolutions to the point of posting them for the world to see. The goal for my resolutions this year was to have a list that is not abstract, but is concrete, easy to track, and easy to measure how well I am progressing. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or criticisms, please let me know!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays from Experience Points!

Hello readers! It's been a while since I've updated the blog, so here's a quick recap of the last few weeks, as well as some minor plans for the near future.

The holidays have been busy and hectic as I bounce from one part of the family to the other, balancing work, work, writing, friends, family, and girlfriend. In actuality the business is a blessing and I welcome it with open arms. I am very fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life, even if scheduling can get stressful at times.

I have been continuing to work on three different projects at once, as is my way, while also throwing down the groundwork for a new pet project in the future. The print format of the Round 10 Core Rulebook is at a solid start, but it will not be ready by the end of the month, as originally expected. I think, when it comes to releasing books, I'm going to stop posting my expected release dates, as I can never seem to stay on top of them. Additionally, I am tightening up the writing of the first adventure module for R10, Operation: Heavenly Discord, which should be ready for digital download in the near future. And finally, I am starting to revise and piece together the sections of the Zimildran Setting Module for R10, which should be ready for publication sometime next year. Add to this the fact that I am also developing a second tabletop game that may or may not see release, as well as trying to balance every other aspect of my life, and I hope you can understand why my blog has been so silent as of late.

As for the future, I've said this before, but it is something that needs to happen and I plan to hold myself more accountable from here on out. Unlike years prior, I will be holding myself to a set of resolutions for this coming new year. Where once my resolutions were abstract and difficult to define, such as 'be a better friend' or 'be more creative', this year I plan to make the resolutions concrete and easy to track. Also, they will be recorded here, in my personal journal, and posted on my fridge at the apartment, so that I will always be well aware of their importance. As resolutions in years past have been about myself and my relationships with others, these ones will almost entirely be about me and my work, with Round 10, online publishing, illustration and game development. I am excited to share the resolutions with you when they are finalized!

As always, thank you so very much for your continued support and readership. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or criticisms about the blog, Round 10, or my writing in general, please email me at Check out my Current Creative Projects page to see what I'm officially working on, and keep up to date with all of your Round 10 needs at the Round 10 Website, Round 10 on Facebook, and by getting Round 10 from RPGNow!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Round 10 Core Rulebook PDF is available!

Yes, finally, the Core Rulebook for the Round 10 Role-Playing Game System is now available for digital purchase as a PDF from RPGNow. Simply click this link to go to the book's page!

The Print-On-Demand should be available by the end of the month, as formatting for PoD is more time intensive than I originally expected. However, until then, you can get exposed to the initial Round 10 experience, a 217 PDF document, for only $19.99!

What does this mean for my other writing projects? Well, Elephants in the Living Room is postponed. It is still my goal to get it out before Christmas, but now with Round 10 making noticeable headway, my drive and effort is more easily placed in that venue. My other, mentioned-but-not-elaborated-upon, writing project is also postponed, likely until early 2014. My apologies to anybody who has been waiting for either of these, but my guess is that those individuals are few and silent. However, if you are waiting on those, then feel free to check out Round 10 until they release!

All jokes aside, I have always been one to undertake more projects than I can adequately finish in a reasonable time. And so I end up, weeks later, finding that I've over-committed and under-delivered. My apologies, but Round 10 has been almost 3 years in the making, and the excitement of it finally hitting digital shelves is too much for me to ignore right now.

As always, feel free to leave your feedback here. Check out the Round 10 website, Facebook page, and get the Quick Start Guide for free. Thank you so much for your continued support, and I hope to only continue to deliver quality written products to all of you, be it in the tabletop gaming venue or the digital creative writing venue.