Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Keeping in Contact

It's been said that life isn't so much about what you know, but rather who you know. As I work towards self-publishing my first book, I'm finding this to be increasingly true.

Seeking to get anywhere in the world of writing requires many different tools that you need to be ready and willing to utilize, many different skills you need to hone, in order to get anywhere. Or, at least, so I've been learning. There is determination to finish your work, there is discipline to hold yourself to a schedule or timeline, and there is properly leveraging the skills and abilities of others to assist you. Despite how it sounds, self-publishing is not something you can do on your own. At least not easily.

Expand your circle. Meet people with similar interests. Go to writing clubs, visit online forums and chat rooms, and reconnect with old friends who shared your passion. It is important to have a good list of people who enjoy writing, who enjoy reading, and who enjoy other aspects of the publishing process. The more people you know, and the more willing you are to ask for help, the easier your road will become.

When I started work on the Round 10 Core Rulebook, I expected to write the manuscript, send it in for publication, and start watching the 'Download' counter tick ever upwards. I was incredibly wrong, and I didn't realize it until I was filling out the submission form for rpgnow.com and got to the 'Cover Art' field. I had no cover art. The first thing that anyone would see about my book, and it was blank.

I realized I still had some work to do.

A lot has happened between then and now. It's been almost a year, the book has gone through three different versions, getting more and more in-depth with what it includes every time. I have seven of eleven illustrations finished, and the other four are close behind. The cover is fully designed and finished, ready to grace the front of the manuscript. The sections are being reorganized into a more readable and user-friendly format, and I'm able to begin diverting some of my attention to my next book. All thanks to my wonderful allies on this long trip.

Despite seeking self-publication, the list of people assisting me grows by the week. Taking a quick look at my credits page, I see I have over 15 people credited, including illustrator, tyopgraphic artist, layout designer, logo designer, editors, and most importantly, my play-testers. And while my book is swiftly approaching the date when it will be ready for publication, I know that I still have a lot of work ahead of me, and I won't be doing it all alone.

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